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M45 Pleiades


M45 Open star cluster (Pleiades)


In the clear and unpolluted night skies of antiquity the Pleiades star cluster was an object of wonder and interest.


In Greek mythology, the Pleiades were seven sisters: Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. Their parents were Atlas, a Titan who held up the sky, and the oceanid Pleione, the protectress of sailing.



Takahashi FSQ-106ED with Camera Atik 460ex.


Capture details:

Lum 30x120 sec Bin 1x1 at -10c

Red 8X240sec. Bin 1x1 at -10c

Green 8X240sec. Bin 1x1 at -10c

Blue 10x180sec Bin 1x1 at -10c


Astrophotographer: Manos Malakopoulos


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