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IC 410 - Tadpoles


-Date: 09-01-2008

-Telescope: 5inch F/9.4 ach.refractor

-Camera: SXV H-9

-Mount:EQ6 pro

-PHD guiding--Starguider's autoguide commander II

-Exposure time: Ha156'---(Ha156'-G=Ha50'+B-B10')

-Location: Athens.''ZHN'' observatory


Dimitrios kolovos


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Προτεινόμενα σχόλια

Tadpoles!!! Mighty interesting aquarium you have there.

The image came out well considering that you took the image from the Athens area. I noticed that the sky is clear today, guess the rain washed out all of the pollution in the atmosphere. Should reduce the amount of light scatter this evening, allowing you to get some better images.

So, what are you going to image tonight? Hmmm......



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