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Μεγάλο φεγγάρι!


Σούνιο. Από τα 4 χιλιόμετρα απόσταση. Δύσκολη λήψη. Όσο μεγαλώνει η απόσταση από το θέμα (ναός) τα προβλήματα αυξάνουν εκθετικά.


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From the category:

Σελήνη wide field

· 501 images
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Προτεινόμενα σχόλια

Thanks παιδιά!

Βασίλη, με αυτό το χρώμα πρώτη φορά την πιάνω. Είναι το χρώμα που έχει όταν είναι πολύ χαμηλά (έως 2 περίπου μοίρες.) 2-3 λεπτά αργότερα έγινε κίτρινη και μετά άσπρη...

Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο

Hi Ammonite,


That's a real nice image that you were able to capture. You were 2.5 miles away as you stated. I guess that you had to do a little bit of preparatory work in order to establish the correct location from which you were able to capture the image. Are there any more images from the event?



Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο

Hi Fred.

There is indeed a significant preparation behind these shots involving sky chart software (I use Cartes du Ciel), Google Earth, a GPS system, previous repeated visits and test shots on site, and finally a bit of luck.

A very good resource for the preparation required for such shots is from John Doukoumopoulos from Astroforum here:



As I manage to be on the right shooting spot the very last second, I didn’t have the time to prepare. As a result most of the pictures are out of focus and/or underexposed. This one is a selection and the result of intense photoshop process.

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