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Ετήσιος Πίνακας Διαττόντων 2009

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

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IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2009: http://www.imo.net/calendar/2009#intro]www.imo.net



Πινακες Διαττοντων για το ετος 2009 εδω: imo.net tables



Οσοι δεν προλαβαν ή δεν ειχαν χρονο να δουν τα μετεωρα του 2008, πιστευω ο παρακατω πινακας να τους βοηθησει να προγραματισουν για το 2009!!





Αναλυτηκότερα για καθε βροχη...οταν θα ειναι η ωρα τους!!

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:






Βροχες 2009 - Astrovox




Astrovox - Quadrantids (QUA) Μέγιστο 3 Ιανουαρίου '09 απο 1 Ιανουαρίου εως 5 Ιανουαρίου 2009

Καλη Παρατήση αφου θα πεφτουν εως και 120 διάττοντες την ωρα!! :cheesy:




Ετησιος πινακας βροχων για το 2009!!

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

πηγη imo.net



January to March

First quarter Moon favours the northern-hemisphere Quadrantids in early January, but the probable southern-hemisphere α-Centaurid peak, due around 23h UT on February 7, is too close to full Moon on February 9. Mid-March brings an equally poor minor γ-Normid return for similarly southern places, likely at maximum sometime between March 10-17, perhaps most plausibly around March 13. The Antihelion Source's radiant centre starts January in south-east Gemini, and crosses Cancer during much of the month, before passing into southern Leo for most of February. It then slips through southern Virgo during March. Likely ANT ZHRs will be < 2, though IMO analyses suggest there may be an ill-defined minor peak with ZHRs ~ 2 to 3 around λo ~ 286°-293° (January 6 to 13 in 2009, ruined by full Moon, if so), and ZHRs could be ~ 3 for most of March. The late January to early February spell, during which several new, swift-meteor minor showers radiating from the Coma-Leo-Virgo area have been suggested in some recent years, enjoys a new Moon for its potential core period, January 20-27. Theoretical approximate timings (rounded to the nearest hour) for the daytime radio shower maxima this quarter are: Capricornids/Sagittariids - February 1, 9h UT; and χ-Capricornids - February 13, 10h UT. Recent radio results suggest the Cap/Sgr maximum may variably fall sometime between February 1-4 however, while activity near the expected χ-Capricornid peak has tended to be slight and up to a day late. Both showers have radiants < 10°-15° west of the Sun at maximum, so cannot be regarded as visual targets even from the southern hemisphere.



30 Δεκεμβριου - 20 Μαρτιού



20 Φεβρουαρίου - 20 Μαρτίου

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


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April to June


Meteor activity picks up towards the April-May boundary, with excellently moonless shower peaks in late April from the Lyrids and π-Puppids, and even the η-Aquariids in early May survive the waxing gibbous Moon. The minor η-Lyrids will likely pass unobserved however, with their low-activity maximum on May 9 coincident with full Moon. Later in May and throughout June, most of the meteor action switches to the day sky, with six shower maxima expected during this time. Although occasional meteors from the o-Cetids and Arietids have been claimed as seen from tropical and southern hemisphere sites visually in past years, ZHRs cannot be sensibly calculated from such observations. For radio observers, the theoretical UT peaks for these showers are as follows: April Piscids - April 20, 9h; δ-Piscids - April 24, 9h; ε-Arietids - May 9, 8h; May Arietids - May 16, 9h; o-Cetids - May 20, 8h; Arietids - June 7, 11h; ζ-Perseids - June 9, 11h; β-Taurids - June 28, 10h. Signs of most of these were found in radio data from 1994-2007, though some are difficult to define individually because of their proximity to other radiants. There seems to be a modest recurring peak around April 24, perhaps due to combined rates from the first three showers listed here, for instance, while the Arietid and ζ-Perseid maxima tend to blend into one another, producing a strong radio signature for several days in early to mid June. There are indications these two June shower maxima now each occur up to a day later than indicated above.


The Antihelion Source should be relatively strong, with ZHRs of 3 to 4 found in recent investigations through till mid April, and again around late April to early May, late May to early June, and late June to early July. At other times, the ZHR seems to be below ~ 2 to 3. The radiant area drifts from south-east Virgo through Libra in April, then across the northern part of Scorpius to southern Ophiuchus in May, and on into Sagittarius for much of June. For northern observers, circumstances for checking on any potential June Lyrids (not currently on the Working List, but possibly producing some weak activity, if at all, around June 16) are not too favourable this year, with last quarter Moon rising around midnight. Conditions are rather better for possible June Boötid hunting.


Taurid 'swarm' return: Work by David Asher has suggested the possibility of another return of the Taurid meteoroid 'swarm' during June 2009. If so, it may be detectable as an increased radio meteor flux during the ζ-Perseids or the β-Taurids, both of which are probably associated with the Taurid Complex of meteor showers, asteroids and comets. Each of the last three predicted night-time 'swarm' events during the October-November Taurids, in 1995, 1998 and 2005 produced noticeably different activity to normal. In 2005, and most impressively of the three, this included increased Taurid ZHRs and a lot of shower fireballs from late October to mid-November. Another night-time 'swarm' return was due in late 2008, still to come when this Calendar text was prepared. However, previous theoretical daytime 'swarm' returns in 1995, 1999 and 2002 have proven elusive, with nothing very remarkable found in the June-July radio results for any of those years that might be definite signs of such a return. The encounter geometry in 2009 June is expected to be similar to that in 2005 October-November, so any repeat of comparable activity may give the best chance of such a daytime-sky recovery, if it happens. The most likely time for anything to be detected is probably about 5- days before the β-Taurid peak, thus around June 20-23, but its potential timing and strength are unknown. There is also the chance that if an increased fireball flux takes place, there may be some daylight fireballs reported visually, though of course these cannot be deliberately watched for.






στο AstroVox

π-Puppids (PPU) - 15-28 Απριλίου '09 (Μέγιστο 23 Απριλίου)


Λυριδες - Lyrids (LYR) 16-25 Απριλιου (Μεγιστο 22 Απριλιου)


η-Aquariids (ETA)-19 Απριλίου-28 Μαϊου (Μεγιστο 6 Μαϊου)


June Bootids (JBO) - 22 Ιουν εως 2 Ιουλ -Μέγιστο 25 Ιουνίου



Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 2 μήνες αργότερα...

July to September

πηγη imo.net http://www.imo.net/calendar/2009#julsep


The Antihelion Source is the chief focus for visual attention for most of July, as its radiant area moves steadily through eastern Sagittarius, then across northern Capricornus into south-west Aquarius. Results suggest the Source may not be especially recognisable after the first few days however, as ZHRs for most of the month seem < 2, and for a time in mid-month even < 1! Activity appears to improve somewhat, with ZHRs ~ 2 to 3, by late July and through the first half of August. This level of ZHRs may make it more practical to still identify the reasonably moonless α-Capricornid maximum, despite that radiant's overlap with the Antihelion Source's. The Southern δ-Aquariids are strong enough, and the Piscis Austrinids have a radiant probably distant enough from the ANT area, that both should still be separable from it, particularly from the southern hemisphere. By the best from the major, badly moonlit, Perseids, and the almost Moon-free κ-Cygnid peak, ANT ZHRs will likely have dropped back below 2 again, as the radiant tracks on through Aquarius, and into western Pisces by the α-Aurigid maximum on the August-September boundary. The minor September Perseids lose out to the waning gibbous Moon for their likely maximum around September 9, but part of the probable very weak δ-Aurigid peak later in the month should be clear enough of the Moon to observe.


For most of September, ANT rates continue from their radiant in Pisces, albeit with ZHRs probably no better than 2-3, but remember that from September 25, Antihelion meteors are no longer to be recorded as such, as both Taurid showers take over the near-ecliptic shower baton until late November. For daylight radio observers, the interest of May-June has waned, but there remain the visually-impossible γ-Leonids (peak due near August 25, 10h UT, albeit not found in recent radio results), and a tricky visual shower, the Sextantids. Their maximum is expected on September 27, around 10h UT, but may possibly occur a day earlier. In 1999 a strong return was detected at λo ~ 186° equivalent to 2009 September 29, while in 2002, the September 27 peak was not found, but one around September 29-30 was! It seems plausible that several minor maxima in early October may also be due to this radio shower. The waxing gibbous Moon creates no additional difficulties for visual observers hoping to catch some Sextantids in the pre-dawn of late September, though radiant-rise is less than an hour before sunrise in either hemisphere.


Perseids: Although the major northern hemisphere Perseids are badly affected by the last quarter Moon near their best this year, there is the possibility they may produce more than one peak again, perhaps also with somewhat increased rates. The usual maximum is due around August 12, 17h30m-20h00m UT (λo = 140°0-140°1), but Esko Lyytinen suggests we may encounter the 1610 Perseid trail earlier on August 12, around 9h00m UT (λo = 139°661). This could produce activity additional to the normal Perseid ZHRs then of a few tens, maybe up to a hundred, probably with a fairly normal magnitude distribution, or perhaps marginally brighter. He further suggests that rates overall could be enhanced above usual by the relative proximity of the annual stream's core, most likely at other times on August 12 ahead of the normal peak. The 19th century trail should pass roughly 0.003 astronomical units inside the Earth's orbit at λo = 139°499, so around 5h UT on August 12, though it may add less than 10 to the ZHR at that point. Naturally, information to verify what takes place will be very valuable despite the Moon, so visual observers are encouraged to try to follow as much of what happens over the possible Perseid maxima as practical.



Astrovox - α-Capricornids(CAP) 3 Ιουλίου-15 Αυγούστου"09 - Μέγιστο 30 Ιουλίου


Astrovox - Piscis Austrinids (PAU) 15 Ιουλίου έως 10 Αυγούστου - Μέγιστο 28 Ιουλίου


Astrovox - Southern δ-Aquariids(SDA) 12 Ιουλίου - 19Αυγούστου - Μέγιστο 28 Ιουλίου


Astrovox - κ-Cygnids 2009: 3 Αυγ. ως 25 Αυγ. Μέγιστο: 17 Αυγ.


Astrovox - Περσείδες 2009: 17 Ιουλ. ως 24 Αυγ. Μέγιστο: 12/13 Αυγ.


Astrovox - α-Ηνιοχοΐδες: 25 Αυγ. ως 8 Σεπ. Μέγιστο: 01 Σεπ. 2009


Astrovox - δ-Aurigids (DAU): 18 Σεπτ. ως 10 Οκτ. Μέγιστο: 29 Σεπτ.



July to September

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...
προσπαθώ να βρω αν τελικά το peak των Περσείδων είναι στις 11/8 προς 12 ή στις 12/8-13 και δεν μπορώ να βγάλω άκρη. Ακόμα και στην ΙΜΟ έχει μια παραγραφούηλα χωρίς πίνακα δεδομένων, χάρτη κλπ... καμιά ιδέα;

Χρίστος "WorkaholiC" Σωτηρόπουλος

Εθνικός Συντονιστής για τους Αστρονόμους Χωρίς Σύνορα & για τους Αστρονόμους των Πεζοδρομίων

Έφορος Εκπαιδευτικών Θεμάτων του Σ.Φ.Α.Κ.

http://www.sfak.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/sfakorg

Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

προσπαθώ να βρω αν τελικά το peak των Περσείδων είναι στις 11/8 προς 12 ή στις 12/8-13 και δεν μπορώ να βγάλω άκρη. Ακόμα και στην ΙΜΟ έχει μια παραγραφούηλα χωρίς πίνακα δεδομένων, χάρτη κλπ... καμιά ιδέα;


Φετος το μεγιστο της βροχης των Περσείδων θα ειναι στις 12 Αυγουστου 15:00 ωρα Γκρινουιτσ, οποτε μπορουμε να παρατηρησουμε τοσο και στις 11 προς 12 οσο και στις 12-13 Αυγουστου...


Το κακο για φετος ειναι οτι το φεγγαρι θα μας κρατησει συντροφια απο τα μεσανυκτα και ως το πρωι και αρκετα φωτεινο.. .


Καλη παρατηρηση.:)

Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

Ρε παιδιά αυτές τις μέρες βλέπω πολλούς διάττοντες στην περιοχή της Μ.Άρκτου . Μπορεί να είναι λόγω των α-Capricornids και Southern δ-Aquariids ? Αυτά όμως είναι σε άλλη περιοχή του ουρανού !

Χτες κιόλας στις 23.45 περίπου είδα έναν πολύ λαμπρό, πολύ χαμηλά σε ύψος να πέφτει προς στα κάτω , πάλι στα βόρεια. Δεν κατάφερα να το παρατηρήσω από την αρχή, ίσως το είδα για 1 δευτερόλεπτο. Επίσης δεν το αποκλείω να έγινε και μετεωρίτης ... :?

edit : Τελικά ύστερα από λίγο ψάξιμο κατέληξα ότι πρέπει να είναι λόγο των Δρακοντίδων α . 27-30 Ιουλίου :cheesy:

Είμαστε ταξιδιώτες που πάνω στη Γη διασχίζουν το διάστημα, σαν επιβάτες πάνω σε πλοίο, και πολλοί

από εμάς δε νογάμε κανένα μέρος του σκάφους πέρα από την καμπίνα όπου καταλύουμε.

S.P. Langley

Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

Η αληθεια ειναι οτι για τους Περσιδες "09 το imo.net δεν εχει αρκετες πληροφοριες...βεβαια μεσα στο internet βρισκεις αρκετα πραγματα αλλα δεν ξερω αν ειναι εμπιστα :|



Αλεξανδρε αν ακολουθισεις την αντιθετη κατευθυνση απο την πτωση θα βρεις πια βροχη ειναι....τωρα βεβαια εκει που ειναι ολες μαζι....ουτε ο πιο εμπιρος δεν μπορουσε να καταλαβει απο που ακριβος ηρθε :lol: :lol: =;





Φορτωνω για τις Περσιδες Γενικες Πληροφοριες απο διαφορα sites....αφου εχουμε μπει στην Βροχη για καλα...(17 Ιουλιου ηταν η αρχη) και το imo.net δεν εχει γραψει λεξη* για την βροχη.


Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Βροχές Διαττόντων για τον μηνα Σεπτεμβρη.


πηγη meteorshowersonline.com



imo.net http://www.imo.net/calendar/2009#julsep



Gamma Aquarids September 1-14 μέγιστο: Sept. 7/8


Aries-Triangulids September 5?-15? μέγιστο: Sept. 11/12


α-Aurigids (AUR) August 25-September 6 μέγιστο: Sept. 1/2


η-Draconids August 28-September 23 μέγιστο: Sept.12/13


γ-Piscids August 26-October 22 μέγιστο: Sept. 23/24


Southern Piscids (SPI) August 12-October 7 μέγιστο: Sept. 11-20







Βροχες Αυγούστου-Σεπτεμβρίου


πηγη meteorshowersonline.com



Northern ι-Aquarids (NIA) August 11-September 10 μέγιστο: Aug. 25/26


Southern ι-Aquarids (SIA) July 1-September 18 μέγιστο: Aug. 6/7


α-Capricornids (CAP) July 15-September 11 μέγιστο: Aug. 1/2


Northern δ-Aquarids (NDA) July 16-Sepember 10 μέγιστο: Aug. 13/14


κ-Cygnids (KCG) July 26-September 1 μέγιστο: Aug. 18

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 1 μήνα αργότερα...

Meteors Showers: September - October

πηγη meteorshowersonline.com



Major Activity:

Recommended experience level: Beginning and up


Orionids (ORI) October 15-29 Max: Oct. 21




Minor Activity

Recommended experience level: Expert



Arietids (Autumn) September 7-October 27 Max:Oct. 8/9


Delta Aurigids (DAU) September 22-October 23 Max: Oct. 6-15


Eta Cetids September 20-November 2 Max: Oct. 1-5


October Cetids September 8?-October 30? Max: Oct. 5/6


October Cygnids September 22-October 11 Max: Oct. 4-9


Draconids (GIA) October 6-10 Max: Oct. 9/10


Epsilon Geminids (EGE) October 10-27 Max: Oct. 18/19


Northern Piscids October 5-16 Max: Oct. 12/13




Daylight Activity

Recommended experience level: Expert


Sextantids September 24-October 9 Sept. 30- Max: Oct. 4








πηγη popastro.com

Βροχές Σεπτεμβρίου '09 - http://www.popastro.com/sections/meteor/meteor-sep2009.htm


Βροχές Οκτωβρίου '09 - http://www.popastro.com/sections/meteor/meteor-oct2009.htm










πηγη imo.net


October to December

An excellent final quarter to the year beckons, with maxima from the all more active showers splendidly moonless. Only three less active shower peaks are lost to the bright Moon, those of the Southern Taurids, σ-Hydrids (December 12) and Coma Berenicids (probably around December 29, but see the notes below). The period near the possible Puppid-Velid early-December maximum/reference date, December 7, is also badly Moon-affected. The ANT starts the quarter effectively inactive in favour of the Taurids, but as the Taurids fade away, we should be able to again distinguish them from the sporadics as the sole ecliptical background from November 26, with a radiant centre position in eastern Taurus. During December, this centre tracks across southern Gemini, and although analyses indicate its likely ZHRs are < 2 for most of this time, some of this apparent inactivity may be due to the strength of the Geminids very close-by to the north during part of December, plus also the minor Monocerotids a little way to its south simultaneously.


October 5/6 meteors: Short-lived video outbursts were recorded in 2005 and 2006 by European observers, with activity from a north-circumpolar radiant near the 'tail' of Draco, around α ~ 165° δ ~ +78° on October 5/6. The 2005 event (only) was recorded very weakly by radio, but no visual results confirmed either occurrence, and no recurrence was reported in 2007. The 2008 repeat time was still to come when this was written. As the 2005/2006 events happened between λo ~ 192°55-192°64, this would be equivalent to 2009 October 5, 19h20m-21h30m UT, poorly timed for observing thanks to the bright Moon, full on October 4. The meteors showed an atmospheric velocity of ~ 45-50 km/s. If the active interval keeps to the same time, it would be best observed by video from Europe east across all of Asia.


Coma Berenicids (COM): As noted in the 2008 Shower Calendar, IMO single-station video data prepared just before the Calendar was printed, suggested probable COM activity was actually being detected from a radiant roughly 15° west of the position expected from data collected in past decades. It is still unclear if this is the same or a separate shower, nor is there information on whether it shows the same pattern of activity as the COM (e.g. maximum time, active dates). Although the recently-identified visual peak timing near the end of December is badly moonlit, observers at other times during this long-lasting minor shower should be aware of this possible radiant discrepancy, and report any meteors from the 'old' radiant as 'COM', but those meteors with similar shower parameters radiating from the 'new' video radiant should be given as 'CBE', to separate the two sources in your data. In critical cases, the CBE radiant should be preferred for shower association, due to its more reliably-determined location. For clarity, the radiant chart here shows both the 'old' and 'new' Coma radiants.




Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

Δημιουργήστε έναν λογαριασμό ή συνδεθείτε για να σχολιάσετε

Πρέπει να είσαι μέλος για να αφήσεις ένα σχόλιο

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Εγγραφείτε για έναν νέο λογαριασμό στην κοινότητά μας. Είναι εύκολο!.

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