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Observing Chair 1

Here are two images showing a modified Stat Hopper Dobsonian base that has been converted into an observing chair. One can mount a pair of large bincoculars or a short focus refractor and quite possibly a C5. It certainly makes observing zenith objects easier.

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Τηλεσκόπια και Εξοπλισμός

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Wow! And how do you balance your body?


Wow!!! :D wonderful! I wonder if common people can modify an old dob into this innovative chair?! :roll: :!:

It would be very comfortable when we want to watch at zenith.. especially shooting stars!!

Fred Ley


In the above image, there is a long arm that extends downward to the base and has a weight attached to the end. I must conclude that it plays a role in allowing the observer to balance the setup. I didn't meet the owner at the time in order to ask any technical questions.


This chair reminds me of Wayne Schmidt, in our local club, who built a chair of this sorts, and mounted two 8-inch Newtonians on it in order to have a "binocular" view of the heavens.

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