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M11 - Wild Duck Cluster


Featured above is the Wild Duck star cluster (also known as M11) sitting in the constellation of Scutum the Shield. Composed of nearly 3,000 stars, this compact grouping, one of the most compact open star clusters, lies some 6000 light years away. As viewed from the Northern Hemisphere it resides in the southern sky, within the glow of the Milky Way and between the constellations of Aquila and Sagittarius. Though it's highest in the sky in late summer and early fall, it can only be observed with a moderate-sized telescope. Detecting a duck of any kind in this cluster is no more challenging than identifying a shield in Scutum. 

Imaging Telescope: Vixen ED81s f/7.7 

Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Synscan Pro (belt mod) 

Camera: QHY 533M 

Filter Wheel: QHY CFW3S-SR 

Filters: L,R,G,B

Guiding camera: ZWO ASI120MM Mini (mono)

Guidescope: SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50ED

Constellation: Scutum

Date: 15-16 August-2023 

Location: Korinthos - Greece - Albireo Observatory 1

Sky brightness: B7

Exposure Time: 

L: 12x120 sec (gain: 56.00, offset: 12.00) 0°C bin 1×1 

R: 12x120 sec (gain: 56.00, offset: 12.00) 0°C bin 1×1 

G: 12x120 sec (gain: 56.00, offset: 12.00) 0°C bin 1×1  

B: 12x120 sec (gain: 56.00, offset: 12.00) 0°C bin 1×1

Calibration Frames: Darks, Flats, Dark Flats 

Acquisition: ACP Expert, MaximDL 

Processing: Pixinsight, Photoshop

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