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Kemble's Cascade


Target: Kemble's Cascade

Constellation: Camelopardalis

Camera: Canon EOS 300D/85 mm EF lens

Method: piggy back

Guiding: Vixen 102M,Skysensor 2000 PC

Settings: 20x2min, ISO 400

Processing: MaximDL

Date: 14.12.2006

Location: Korinthos



Kemble's Cascade, located in the constellation Camelopardalis, is an asterism - a pattern created by unrelated stars. It is an apparent straight line of more than 20 colorful fifth to 10th magnitude stars over a distance of approximately five moon diameters, and the open cluster NGC 1502 can be found at one end. It was named by Father Lucian J. Kemble (1922 - 1999), a Canadian amateur astronomer. Kemble's Cascade is a good target for binocular observing.

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Υπόλοιπα Deep Sky

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