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Messier 5


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Photo Information

Προτεινόμενα σχόλια

14/4/2007 01:05 UT


Equipment: 8'' LX90 operating at f/6.3 with Meade f/6.3 reducer , CANON 305D


Guiding : W.O ZenithStar 80 II ED , DSI –C , GP-USB , with Phd guiding


48min total exposure time


120sec x 24 raw iso800

20 Bias 1/4000 iso800

20 flat 1/40 iso800 (the simplest way is to put a white T shirt in front of your telescope)

30 dark x 120sec


DeepSkyStacker (free) , MaximDL , PS CS , Noiseware Community Edition




Globular cluster Messier 5


Description: Over 13 billion years old, M5 is one of the most ancient globular clusters. It is an easy naked eye object under dark skies. Visible as a small fuzzy patch in binoculars, this cluster takes on a majestic appearance with a bright granular core and well-resolved halo in a telescope. It is one of the most beautiful globular clusters for small telescopes. A prominent string of stars form an arc extending from the core.


Angular size: 32 arcminutes


Distance from observer: 25.000,00 ly

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