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Γεια σας από την Ιρλανδία!

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Γεια σε Έλληνες φίλοι μου!

Λυπάμαι αν μου ελληνικά είναι κακό.

Είμαι χρησιμοποιώντας το Google για να γράψω αυτό το Translator!


Ελπίζω ότι αυτό είναι OK!


Έχω να πω τα μέλη της λέσχης αστρονομίας EAE

είναι οι καλύτεροι οικοδεσπότες για την Ελλάδα.


Άλλοι σύλλογοι λαμβάνουν γνώση!

Αυτοί οι άνθρωποι μας έκανε αισθάνονται ευπρόσδεκτοι, ασφαλής, ευχάριστη και

Καλό φαγητό!


Μερικοί λένε οι ιρλανδικές είναι οι καλύτεροι οικοδεσπότες,


Η νέα μας φίλους είναι ελληνική!


Ευχαριστώ πολύ και πάλι σε όλους ότι μας έκανε

νιώθουν τόσο ευπρόσδεκτη, αν δεν αποτελούν μέρος της οικογένειάς σας.

Παρακαλώ για την Ιρλανδία ανά πάσα στιγμή!



Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

Frank Καλώς ήρθες στο astrovox!


Wellcome to astrovox!

Translator is funny in greek :lol: but is ok.

Most people speak English here so you may write in English

instead of using the translator.


We wait to see your excellent pics!

Here is one from Mt. Parnon

and more from Frank Ryan Jr:






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You welcome my friend.


It was very nice from you, sending that message.


With the same way that Astronomy brings the far end Stars next to us,

people from all over the world are coming together.


I am happy because apart from enjoying that magic elements of the life over there, I have met people for many countries.


Keep in touch and welcome to Greece any time again.


Vangelis Siozos

Ευάγγελος Σιώζος
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Hey Frank,You can count on me to visit Ireland again.The great new is that Christina has now a teleskop.But she has to say.

Thank you for you coments but I realy feel like I knew all of Your a long time. :D

Η αστρονομια μας βοηθαει να κοιταμε ψηλα. www.astrotheory.gr :D
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Hi Frank


Last Saturday, 05 July, I was in Parnonas Mountain. My main mission was to capture the star trails from different parts of the sky.


Have a look at sample shots here








I remember talking with an Irish friend of yours who was also shooting the star trails. We had an interesting discussion together. If I remember correctly his name was David.


Could you give me his email address?


Thank you



“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

― William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar




Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
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Frank Καλώς ήρθες στο astrovox!

Wellcome to astrovox!

Translator is funny in greek :lol: but is ok.

Most people speak English here so you may write in English

instead of using the translator.



I said I'd post it up just for the laugh.

At least I made an effort!

We were all very ashamed that we knew very little Greek

when speaking with all of you.

Sometimes it's better to try first and make a mess of it!



As for the startrail shots.

I think they are great.

Yes, my friend Dave was also shoting startrails.

I'll inform him of this thread so he can talk with you in person.


I also shot a few startrails.

This one is the most interesting.

It shows part of the camp and also the movement of a curious

astronomer walking up to the camera with a red light.

He was worried that he ruined my shot, but I prefer these

startrail shots with movement in the foreground also.

The sky was moving and also the people under it.

It's a true reflection of what was happening.



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I also shot a few startrails.

This one is the most interesting.

It shows part of the camp and also the movement of a curious

astronomer walking up to the camera with a red light.

He was worried that he ruined my shot, but I prefer these

startrail shots with movement in the foreground also.

The sky was moving and also the people under it.

It's a true reflection of what was happening.



Guess who the “curious astronomer” was!!! :mrgreen:

Welcome to astrovox Frank!




P.S.: I cannot enter the link you gave above.

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Good to talk to you again!

Sorry if you felt I ignored you when I walked past that night.

I kind of knew you said something to me

but I was not sure.

(Until you called out 'do you speak English!' :) )

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ΟK! Meanwhile, please allow me to explain in greek to my homeland friends what happened that night, in order to have the whole picture:


Λοιπόν, παιδιά, τώρα θα σας εξηγήσω πως βγήκε η φωτογραφία που αναφέρει παραπάνω ο Frank, που εύχομαι κάποια στιγμή να δω κι εγώ, γιατί, για την ώρα, αντιμετωπίζει κάποιο πρόβλημα με το site του:


Και τα δύο βράδια που έκανα παρατήρηση στον Πάρνωνα είχα στήσει τον εξοπλισμό μου στην άκρη της βόρειας πλευράς του γηπέδου. Μετά το τηλεσκόπιό μου και το αυτοκίνητό μου ξεκινούσε σε μικρή απόσταση το δάσος. Το πρώτο βράδυ λοιπόν, την Παρασκευή, κι ενώ είχα απορροφηθεί κοιτάζοντας νότια στον τοξότη, γυρίζοντας προς τα πίσω (βόρεια) διέκρινα αμυδρά πριν τα δένδρα τοποθετημένο ένα αντικείμενο, που δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω τι ήταν. Ήξερα ότι εκεί νωρίτερα δεν είχε στήσει εξοπλισμό κανείς, κι έτσι άρχισα να το πλησιάζω φωτίζοντάς το με τον κόκκινο φακό μου. Όταν αντιλήφθηκα ότι ήταν τρίποδο με φωτογραφική μηχανή επάνω του, αμέσως κατέβασα το φακό, αλλά είχα ήδη κάνει τη «ζημιά». Παραπέρα, συνάντησα τον Frank, για πρώτη φορά, να τριγυρνάει πέρα – δώθε σαν το φάντασμα. Στην αρχή του μίλησα στα ελληνικά, αλλά δεν απαντούσε. Ευτυχώς αποκρίθηκε στο επόμενο κάλεσμά μου στα αγγλικά, κι έτσι ξεκίνησε μια πολύ όμορφη κουβέντα γνωριμίας, εύχομαι και φιλίας.

Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
Κοινή χρήση σε άλλους ιστότοπους

Hi Everyone,

This is my first time posting here and given what happened to Frank, I'll hold off on using the babelfish random word generator. :lol:

Many many thanks for your generosity at Mt Parnon, it was something else, there is a 20 page thread on the IFAS boards about it


Page 16 onwards are comments put in after we had come back form Greece.


Kostas, that was me you met at the far end of field, like you I tried some wide angle shots, I'll scan them in for you to view, however been a film camera they are not quite as good as what you captured.

While imaging, I had left the camera on its own with no red light, when I went back to the camera after my timer had finished, I wasn't able to find the thing!, after about 10 minutes of searching I finally found it :lol: for some reason I thought I had left it much nearer to the cars then I had done.


Anyway, it was certainly an experience for us, never having been the Greece before. Isn't it amazing that people from the far ends of the EU can think the exact same way about astronomy, it's like it instantly breaks down barriers between people.

Dave L.


Observing coordinator & IFAS Rep, Shannonside Astronomy Club

Secretary, Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies


Carrying around the 20inch Obsession is going to kill me, but what a way to go! :P

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Isn't it amazing that people from the far ends of the EU can think the exact same way about astronomy, it's like it instantly breaks down barriers between people.


Dave L,

Not only think same way about astronomy but I was impressed with

same humor and all those loud laughs, jokes and teasing!


Wellcome to astrovox! :mrgreen:

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Hi Frank, hi Dave!

It's nice to meet again through astrovox. Welcome!

I have to say that I enjoyed a lot our common observing and your sense of houmor! I hope that we 'll meet again under the stars (Greek or Irish :cheesy: )



"Πως να σωπάσω μέσα μου την ομορφιά του κόσμου; ..." Κώστας Κινδύνης

"Με το λύχνο του άστρου στους ουρανούς εβγήκα, στο αγιάζι των λειμώνων, στη μόνη ακτή του κόσμου..." Οδυσσέας Ελύτης


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Hi Dave!

ROFL Frank!

You should do it more often :D (the robot-greek)

Nice try though!




закрытый для отпусков.

Я имею небольшую работу, чтобы сделать в Новосибирске 1 августа. телефонируйте мне позже.


"Αστέρας εισαθρείς, αστήρ εμός. Είθε γενοίμην ουρανός, ως πολλοίς όμμασιν εις σε βλέπω."


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Well guys,

You must have a sense of humour doing astronomy in Ireland.

I remember the May 4th 2004 lunar eclipse, I was over at a friends house and we were watching it from his back garden patio, it was mostly cloudy with patches of clear and no rain, but the wind was blowing at +60mph as we were in the middle of a storm, we just stood there laughing, holding onto the scope tripods for dear life in fear that they'd be blown into the next garden. :lol: We somehow managed to get some nice views and some pics.



Was it you who had that fab Baader binoviewer on the 10" Dob? That's an awesome piece of equipment and give me some of my best views of Jupiter I've ever seen. :D Nice ! I was seriously impressed with the way you modified the scope to work with it. I'm thinking of getting such a binoviewer for my own scope, but don't fancy cutting off 3+ inches off the truss poles, at that stage I'd start loosing the outer areas of the primary mirror.

Dave L.


Observing coordinator & IFAS Rep, Shannonside Astronomy Club

Secretary, Irish Federation of Astronomical Societies


Carrying around the 20inch Obsession is going to kill me, but what a way to go! :P

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Isn't it amazing that people from the far ends of the EU can think the exact same way about astronomy, it's like it instantly breaks down barriers between people.


Yep, it does. :) We are not so different after all.

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– δώθε σαν το φάντασμα.

I guess that means either we are very scary, creeping around like the dead

or we are as white as a ghost.

Either way,

both descriptions are probably quite accurate!


Σύνδεσμος για σχόλιο
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Hi Frank welcome to Astrovox! :D

You lucky lucky men! You went to mt Parnon ( I'm from Greece and I never been there :( )

I hope you had great times there with Yannis, George ...and I don't know who else! n hope you enjoy Greece and our Sky :mrgreen:


να τριγυρνάει πέρα–δώθε σαν το φάντασμα
moving aroung like shadow (in the dark)

Βασίλης Μεταλληνός

OO 16 1600 f4

ΟΟ 12.5 1525 f4.8 NEQ6

TOA130 1000 f7.7 ΕΜ200

ED80 600 f7.5, Vixen9x63

Canon eos 6D, Sony a7s2, Wat120n+,Asi120

2009年7月22號日食 - 2017 Aug 21


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