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Annunziata With Moon & Jupiter

Save Annunziata (Ευαγγελίστρια)


Δυστυχώς η οικονομική κρίση εκτός απο εμάς χτύπησε και τα τα μνημεία της πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς μας, ότι δεν έπεσε και δεν κάηκε με τόσους πολέμους και τόσους καταχτητές θα πέσει σε περίοδο ειρήνης!!

Η φωτογραφία ειναι συμβολική αφου αν δεν πάρει οι κοινωνία τα μέτρα της θα ειναι η τελευταία φορά που θα φωτογραφίσω το συγκεκριμένο καμπαναριό και λέω καμπαναριό γιατί την Εκκλησία την βομβάρδισαν οι Γερμανοί το 1943 και ειναι οτι εχει μείνει...

Στην συγκεκριμένη εκκλησία βρέθηκε τραυματισμενος ο Μιγκελ Θερβαντες και ισως εμπνευστικε εκει...επισης στην Annunziata βρίσκονται τα λείψανα των ηρώων πού σκοτώθηκαν κατά την ναυμαχία της Ναυπάκτου το 1571 μ.Χ



Photo: Photoshop,HDR

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Fred Ley


Very interesting photograph and piece of history. I gather that the church is in Greece. Could you tell me as to where it is located? Thanks!





Φοβερό σκηνικό και πολύτιμες πληροφορίες.Ευχαριστώ πολύ. :D


Mπίλη ωραία εικόνα... :roll:


Ευχαριστώ παιδια, ελπιζω το κωδωνοστάσιο να υποστυλωθεί γιατι εχει λιγότερο απο 6 μηνες ζωης...


Fred this belfry is located at the center of Corfu town @ Voulgareos street (the street from Liston square to the down town), the Church Annunziata had been burned from the Germans when they bomb the Island at ww2 (1943) from the morning of 13 Sep and for two days they keep bombing and bombing... The Island was Defenseless since the Treaty of London didn't let Greeks to put army or weapons on the island (this treaty still exist today).


The problem is that if the municipality or the minister of culture dont take action the Annunziatas belfry will collapse in the next months...

Fred Ley


Hi Vasilis,


I am aware of the bombing of Corfu town during World War II by the Germans. I could never figure out the what the great military importance of Corfu town was.

It is a shame that the belfry has been allowed to reach the condition it is in. I hope that the city is aware of this and will be prompted to take action before it is to late. You may want to take it upon yourself to photograoh the belfry from all angles just to have photographic record of it. Corfu town has many charming old buildings of interest. The island overall is a very wonderful place to live or visit. One of my favorite authors, Gerald Durrell, lived in Corfu for some years as a child and had to leave because of the blasted war. He wrote three books about his living on the island and they are very refreshing to read and nostalgic.


Anyhow, thanks for posting the photograph.





Hey Fred, Thank you


I didn't know about Gerald Durrell, I'll search about him :wink:



Ενδιαφέρουσες οι πληροφορίες και καταπληκτικά τα σχόλιαά σου!!

Ευτυχώς που υπάρχουν κάποιοι σαν εσένα και τιμούν την κληρονομιά μας μέσα απο τα ωραία κάδρα τρους!!

Keep going!! :wink:




Εκπληκτική φωτογραφία...με ιστορική αξία....!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :!:


Πολύ όμορφη, Βασίλη!

Μακάρι να "ξυπνήσουν" κάποια στιγμή οι υπεύθυνοι και να καταλάβουν την αξία αυτών των μνημείων.

Fred Ley




I forgot to mention that a person that the Durrell's met in Corfu and who became a very close family friend is Dr. Theodore Stephanides. He opened up the first X-ray lab in Corfu and also did some amateur astronomy back then. Further interesting information on him can be found on Wiikipedia at this link... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Alexander

and this link is interesting too... http://www.shoarns.com/TheodoreStephanides.html


I first visited Corfu in 1964 with my parents. I remember putting in two drachmas in a slot machine at the casino and won back fifty drachmas. Mind you I was only seven at the time. Again, in 1972 with a school trip over Easter break. The last time was with my daughter in August of 1995. If I had the funds, I would love to buy a small old house with a garden in Corfu. I could read and paint during the day, throw in some swimming too and observe at night and we must not forget the bbq. Of course there is always something interesting happening in town or elsewhere on the island.





Hey Fred,


Finally... I remembered that I know Durrell (I just forgot his name), his old white house is at the beach of Kalami.

Thank you for the infos :D

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