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*** Rosette Nebula *** (Νεφέλωμα της Ροζέτας)

Konstantinos Tsekas

The Rosette Nebula (also known as Caldwell 49) is an H II region located near one end of a giant molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The open cluster NGC 2244 (Caldwell 50) is closely associated with the nebulosity, the stars of the cluster having been formed from the nebula''s matter.


Το νεφέλωμα της Ροζέτας ή του Ρόδακα (γνωστό και ως Caldwell 49) είναι μεγάλη περιοχή ΗΙΙ (μορφή νεφελώματος) στον αστερισμό Μονόκερως. Απέχει από τη Γη περίπου 5.000 - 5.200 έτη φωτός και έχει διάμετρο περίπου 130 έτη φωτός. Η μάζα του υπολογίζεται σε περίπου 10.000 ηλιακές μάζες.

Location: Stinger of Scorpius Observatory, Filiates, Thesprotia - Greece.

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Bortle Scale: Class 4

Constellation: Monoceros

Imaging Telescope: William optics star 71 f/4.9

Equatorial Mount: Avalon linear fast reverse (Avalon Instruments)

Guide Scope : Skywatcher ed80 Black Diamond

Guide Camera:ZWO ASI290MM Mini (mono)

Main Camera: CCD Atik One 6.0 Monochrome

Filters: Astrodon Hydrogen Alpha 5nm

Astrodon Oxygen iii 3nm

Baader Sulfor ii 8nm

Exposures: 33X600sec for Hydrogen Alpha : (5.5 hours total)

24X600sec for Oxygen iii : (4 hours total)

24X600sec for Sulfor ii : (4 hours total)

Binning: 1x1 for each filter

Image Calibration: 60 dark frames, 230 bias frames, 35 flat frames

Sensor temperature: -10°C

Image acquisition software: Artemis Capture

Telescope guiding software: PHD2

Processing software: Pixinsight - CCD stack - Photoshop CS6

Acquisition dates: 05/02/2021 (H-Alpha Filter)

03/03/2021 (O iii Filter)

01/04/2021 - 08/04/2021 (S ii Filter)

Total exposure : 13.5 hours

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Υπόλοιπα Deep Sky

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